Action-adventure game in which the player has to tilt portions of the environment to fight enemies, solve puzzles, and progress to ultimately save their sister.

Period Team Engine Platform
Aug 2024 Solo Unity PC

High-Level Design Overview

Design Pillars

Embodying the Nature of a Mountain Ibex

Having Control Over Your Surroundings

Classical Fairy Tale Hero

Player Abilities

Traversal Mechanics

Typical for most games of the genre, the player can walk around using WASD keys and jump by using space, while using the mouse to rotate and look around. However, the player’s jump power is doubled when jumping from a tilted terrain (e.g. slope).

Tilt Mechanic

The core (unique) mechanic that enables the player to, upon pressing right mouse button, tilt the terrain in front towards them like scales that tilt in the direction of the heavier object. It can reposition enemies and objects.

Attack Mechanic

A basic melee damaging ability targeting an enemy in front of the player, triggered by pressing the left mouse button. It is the main damage-dealing option for the player and is simple and intuitive. Attack power increases when jumping, depending on the height.

Core Gameplay Loop

Explore, interact with NPCs to aid them and get hints on where to find the weapon that can tilt mountains.


Combine your environment tilt with your supreme navigation skills to defeat enemies and solve puzzles.


Find powerful terrain tilting hammers and other items to aid you.


Narrative Premise

One day, the player character’s sister gets abducted by the Great Calamity. To save her, the player’s character embarks on a journey to retrieve the legendary weapon his granny told him about, which can tilt whole mountains.